After arriving home from my trip to our annual meeting, I had only two weeks to prepare for my next trip! I was off to Thailand! What an incredible trip this was! My first week was spent attending a week long conference for first term people here who do what we do. This was a wondering time of seeing old friends and making new ones as well! I stayed on a few extra days with some friends and did a little bit of everything from getting massages, to eating MEXICAN, and then we even got to do a little hiking! It was awesome!
My bithday was in July, so I got to celebrate with some good friends in Bangkok! Every year, on...near...around my birthday, I always find a way to get myself a Bloomin' Onion at Outback. Well, It wasn't until I arrived in Bangkok that I realized that they actually have an Outback Steakhouse!!!! Birthday tradition lives on! The Father is SO good to me!
While in Bangkok, we also went to a big fancy theater to catch a ENGLISH!!!! I haven't done that since I left the States! And then of course...there's one man who will be with you matter go on this great planet (except where I currently live of course ;). Yes, that's right folks, I am speaking of none other than Ronald McDonald himself ;o) I amazed even myself at how excited I was to see that man! Ha! Ahh....french fries ;O)
Even though it was amazing and so good for my heart to see friends, eat some yummny western food, and see some new sights, after a few weeks of even these great things, I was ready to get back to my Asian home. This was such a wonderful feeling. It was the first time I had been away for any length of time and I found I was so ready to go home! Time away is nice :) but the Father has truly blessed my life here in A-land! I have an awesome team that I adore! Not everyone in this kind of work can say that and I truly am thankful for the family the Father has given me here! I also missed some of my national friends! What a GREAT thing! I love my home here!
I will try and post more as the Father provides opportunitites here!